About me

CV available upon request


Graduate Student Researcher in Hillel Adesnik’s Lab @ UC Berkeley
May 2013 – present

  • Identifying how neurons in the barrel cortex of mice represent the location of an object in its whisking field, and determining how these representations rely on multi-whisker integration and transform across the cortical layers
  • Managed and optimized a two-photon microscope, and worked with the vendor on new features and fixing bugs
  • Set-up and managed a large Linux server to store and secure the hundreds of TBs of data generated in the lab
  • Prepared mice to express GCaMP6s, implanted chronic cranial windows, and collected neural activity data
  • Developed an image analysis pipeline to identify neurons in a semi-automated fashion and pull out their activity
  • Analyzed large, self-generated datasets and discovered multiple novel features of barrel cortex computation

Research Assistant in Lydia Sohn’s Lab @ UC Berkeley
May 2011 – Jun 2012

  • Analyzed spatial organization of cell surface receptors in breast cancer as it correlates to different microenvironments of the cancer using Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM)
  • Helped iterate and build dual channel microscope that has ability to perform TIRF, phase-contrast, and STORM
  • Designed image analysis software, prepared cell cultures and buffers, and collected and analyzed STORM data

Research Assistant in Austin Roorda’s Lab @ UC Berkeley
May 2010 – Sep 2011

  • Validated ability of the Adaptive Optics and Scanning Laser Ophthalmascope to identify retinal pathologies, and developed metric to objectively identify macular cone loss using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography
  • Registered and processed AOSLO data, and then correlated regions of photoreceptor droupout with SDOCT


Selected Presentations

  1. Lyall, E. H.*, Pluta, S. R.*, Telian, G. I., Ryapolova-Webb, E., & Adesnik, H. Surround Integration Organizes a Spatial Map during Active Sensation. Scultped Light in the Brain. Berkeley, CA. 2017. Poster.
  2. Lyall, E. H.*, Pluta, S. R.*, Telian, G. I., Ryapolova-Webb, E., & Adesnik, H. Contextual modulation of spatial coding during active senation. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. 2016. Poster.
  3. Pluta, S. R.*, Lyall, E. H.*, Telian, G. I., Ryapolova-Webb, E., & Adesnik, H. The role of multi-whisker integration during active sensation to the cortical representation of somatotopic space. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. 2015. Poster.
  4. Pluta, S. R.*, Lyall, E. H.*, Telian, G. I., Ryapolova-Webb, E., & Adesnik, H. The role of multi-whisker integration during active sensation to the cortical representation of somatotopic space. Barrels XXVIII. Chicago, IL. 2015. Poster.
  5. Lyall, E. H., Olshausen, B. Using Sparse Coding to Identify Neural Activity in Calcium Imaging. Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience Weekly Meeting. Berkeley, CA. 2013. Talk.
  6. Lyall, E. H., Chapman, M. R., Sohn, L. L. Characterizing Spatial Organization of Cell Surface Receptors in Human Breast Cancer with STORM. American Physical Society March Meeting. Boston, MA. 2012. Talk.
  7. Lyall, E. H., Roorda, A., Duncan, J. L., Schwartz, S. D., Ratnam, K., Sundquist, S., Solovyev, A. S., Lujan, B. J. Correlation Between AOSLO and SDOCT Photoreceptor Metrics in Macular Disease. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, FL. 2011. Talk.

* Contributed equally